Our Worship Style and Patterns of Service

Our Worship Style and Patterns of Services


Every Sunday morning we come together in fellowship to worship and praise God. We have two ministers giving 25% of their time to our church, this typically means that they each lead one of our services per month; other services in the church are led by retired ministers and lay preachers.

Our worship usually follows the pattern of:

Call to worship by the minister/leader – the congregation remain seated

Opening hymn – we usually use Rejoice and Sing. The hymn numbers are announced and are also displayed on boards either side of the pulpit. We stand to sing the hymns unless asked not to do so.

Prayers – led by the Minister. On occasions we will be asked to join in with a response. Usually the Lord’s Prayer is said at this time; but sometimes it is sung. We remain seated for Prayer.

Children’s/Family talk – if children are present they are sometimes asked to help with this talk.

Second hymn- again all stand

Notices and Offertory – a member of the Eldership informs the congregation of important events, and news about members of the Church family. A member of the congregation will then walk through the Church with a wooden collection plate and people can decide whether or not to contribute to the church funds; this is called the offertory. Occasionally, the collection is donated to a humanitarian disaster appeal fund.  Whether the collection is for church funds or a designated appeal, it is not compulsory to contribute.

Readings – usually two members of the congregation read from the Bible. There is usually one reading from the Old Testament and one from the New Testament. Bibles are available in most pews if you wish to follow the readings.

Third hymn – all stand

Prayers – remain seated

Prayers offered at this point are typically intercessionary prayers.  At the front of church in the right-hand corner we have our Prayer Tree and a box of leaves.  Leaves are also available in the vestibule.  If there is someone, (or a situation), you want to bring before God in prayer, write their name or a few words on a leaf and hang it on one of the branches of the Prayer Tree before, during or after the service.  A collective prayer for those mentioned will be included at this point in the service.  The leaf will remain in place here in God’s house for several weeks.

Fourth hymn – all stand

Sermon – the Minister may move into the pulpit or remain at the lectern. The sermon is a talk based on the Bible readings.

Final hymn – all stand

Blessing – we remain standing for the final prayer.

We have occasional family services when we are joined by the Brownies, Rainbows, Cubs, Beavers and Scouts. The worship for these services is more informal and aimed at the children.

We meet every Sunday morning. Our worship begins at 10.30am and usually ends about 11.30am. On one Sunday of every month we serve tea and coffee after the service in the Lecture Room. This is accessed through the door between the choir stalls, (in front of the organ), and the steps to the pulpit.

Communion is held on the first Sunday of the month. The congregation remain seated for Communion and are served by an Elder with the bread and wine. When all have been served, the Minister leads us in eating the bread and drinking the wine together. Communion is open to all who believe in the Lord Jesus.  If you do not want to take part, just indicate this to the Elder who comes to serve you.